Backyard Composting in Verona Webinar 1/19/24

A comprehensive tutorial on how to successfully compost in your own backyard. Composting, sustainability, and soil expert Virginia Lamb, of Groundwork Education and Consulting.

Dos and Don’ts of Commingled Recycling

PFAS Webinar Presentation 2/2/22

PFAS, known as "forever chemicals" are found in everyday products in all of our households.

The Right Way to Recycle Cardboard

NJ Developers Green Infrastructure Guide 2.0!

The new Stormwater Management Rules (effective March 2, 2021) require the use of decentralized green infrastructure practices. The Developers Green Infrastructure Guide, published by NJ Future and NJ Builders Association, is a companion “how to” document to the NJDEP Best Management Practice Manual.

What is wastewater?

Why Stormwater Management and Soil Erosion & Sedimentation Control are Important in Verona

Why stormwater ordinances are important....

The Verona Environmental Commission (VEC) was established by Ordinance No. 9-92 in 1992, consistent with state laws creating environmental commissions. The Commission is comprised of seven members (one of whom is also a member of the Planning Board) plus two alternates. All VEC members are Verona residents and serve without compensation. The chairperson and regular members are appointed by the Town Manager, and Alternates are appointed by the governing body. In addition, a member of the Town Council attends commission meetings and acts as a liaison between the Commission and the Council.

Read more about the Environmental Commission here:

The role of the Commission is to study, evaluate and make recommendations to the Township Council and the Planning Board regarding local environmental issues, including (but not limited to) preservation and use of parks and other open spaces; clean water resources; stormwater management; air, noise, and light pollution; solid waste management and recycling; energy conservation and renewable energy resources; transportation and circulation planning; and protection of flora, fauna, soil and landscape throughout the Township.

The Commission reviews all applications sent to the Planning Board and the Board of Adjustment to evaluate their impact on the environment. The VEC also provides environmental information and programs for residents; coordinates activities of unofficial bodies organized for similar purposes; and recruits and manages volunteerism and professional expertise. The VEC may, subject to the approval of the governing body, acquire and administer property in the name of the township.  The Verona Environmental Commission is committed to sustainability. It is expected that implementing sustainability programs and projects in Verona will result in long-term cost savings, improved health for residents and municipal employees, preservation of property values, energy conservation to reduce our town’s contribution to climate change, plus additional quality of life benefits.

The VEC is a proud and long-standing member of the Association of New Jersey Environmental Commissions (ANJEC), who mission aligns with the VEC to achieve responsible and sustainable use of New Jersey’s natural resources and protection of environmental health.


Jessica Pearson

Chairperson & Planning Board Liaison

Term Expires: 06/30/2027

Sean DiBartolo

Vice-Chair, Plans Review

Term Expires: 06/30/2025

Sarah Yauch O’Farrell

Commissioner, Social Media Influencer

Term Expires: 06/30/2026

Kelly Peña


Term Expires: 06/30/2025

Fuad Dahan


Term Expires: 06/30/2027

Walter Steinmann

Commissioner, Plans Review

Term Expires: 06/30/2026

Adam Bulger


Term Expires: 06/30/2026

Phil Beaulac

Alternate 1

Term Expires: 06/30/2026

Alternate 2

Alternate 2

Term Expires: 06/30/2025

Council Liaison

The Commission’s Council Liaison is Mayor Christopher Tamburro through 6/30/2025

Each year, the Verona Town Council appoints a Council liaison to the Verona Environmental Commission. The liaison attends meetings and confers the Commission’s recommendations to the Governing Body.

Past VEC Chairs

The first VEC Chairperson was Marc Kaplan followed by Teena Schwartz (former Verona Mayor), Chris Pierce, Lydia Bashwiner, David Freschi, Cinzia Cortese, Jerry Shimonaski, Gloria Machnowski, and currently Jessica Pearson.

Past through Current VEC Members from 1992 to 2024

Marc Kaplan, Beverly DeCheser, Ed Condon (Planning Board Rep.), Larry Gasparo (Planning Board Liaison), Teena Schwartz, Megan Ambroso, Thomas Cocchiola, Robert Masiello, Bill Oser (Planning Board Liaison), Chris Pierce, Lydia Bashwiner, Chris Daniels, Lori Tanner, Jack Grebe, Hans Erdenberger, Joe Carpinelli (Planning Board Liaison), Jerry Caprio, Andrew Robinson, Eric Kohlstaat, Rich Williamson, Jason Apter, David Freschi, Gerard Shimonaski, Cinzia Cortese, Mark Newell, Karen Pensiero (Planning Board Liaison), Genaro Salierno, Marjorie Williams, Kerry Bass, Deborah Jacobsen, Anne Stires, Gloria Machnowski, James Loudon, Tom Freeman (Planning Board Liaison), Tara Bratek, Larry Lonergan (Planning Board Liaison), Virginia Citrano, Anthony Saltalamacchia, Jessica Pearson, Julia Capuano (first VHS student member), Chris Stark, Martin Golan, Michael Foley (Planning Board Liaison), Sarah O’Farrell, Sean DiBartolo, Walter Steinmann, Frank Ceccacci, Michael Auteri, Timothy Kiernan, Fuad Dahan, Christen Dietz, Brooke Berardo, Anthony Castillo, Erdal Ternacioglu and Adam Bulger.

VEC Annual Reports

Report Year
♻ VEC Annual Report-2013
♻ VEC Annual Report-2014
♻ VEC Annual Report-2015
♻ VEC Annual Report-2016
♻ VEC Annual Report-2017
♻ VEC Annual Report-2018
♻ VEC Annual Report-2019
♻ VEC Annual Report-2020
♻ VEC Annual Report-2021
♻ VEC Annual Report-2022
♻ VEC Annual Report-2023
♻ VEC Annual Report-2024